


Bune is a demon listed in demonological grimoires such the Lesser Key of Solomon[note 1][1] (including Thomas Rudd's version, as Bime)[2] Johann Weyer's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum,[note 2][3] Jacques Collin de Plancy's Dictionnaire Infernal,[4] and the Livre des Esperitz.[note 3][5]

All of these texts describe Bune as a duke who is able to move the dead, make one rich, and answer a variety of questions.[1][2][3][4][5] The Livre des Esperitz claims that Bune rules 35 legions of spirits,[5] while the other texts only give him 30 legions to command.[1][2][3][4] The other texts further describe Bune's appearance as a three headed dragon (with one head being human) and give him the additional powers of making devils gather around graves and making one wise and charismatic.[1][2][3][4]

Practicing occultist Carroll "Poke" Runyon suggests that the name ultimately derives from Buto (a title for Isis),[6] as part of an overall claim that the Lesser Key of Solomon was by Solomon and rooted in Mesopotamian mythology.[7]

According to Rudd, Bune is opposed by the Shemhamphorasch angel Haaiah.[8]

PURPOSE AND SKILL: Bune helps acquire wealth and provides Sophication and worldly wisdom. This can be helpful for those looking to find work, promotions, setting up a new business Venture or taking a current one to a new level.

Bune can give you elegance in speech and a flair for words.

Bune is also the great necromancer not just your typical Goto the atm type demon.

ENN: whehlc melan avage Bune Tasa

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